This Job Aid describes how to build an initial match list of Home Care consumers whose primary-care physician is associated to a Community links Portal HCO partner.
Such a list is especially valuable before the ASAP & HCO have implemented a solid business process to identify consumer/patients and secure their consent to share their SIMS EHR with their primary-care physician.
Consumer contacts are up-to-date, especially for Contact-Type = Physician or Specialty Physician.
The HCO has a manageable number of possible phone numbers for their physicians. The match will take longer if there are more phone numbers to review.
Steps to build the match list
Open the Reports section in SAMS
Select the Report type-Consumers
Select the Report template (top part of screen) EOEA Consumers Consumer Contacts. Open the Report definition CLP – SCI, NSES – active Home Care w/Physician phone.
Adjust filters if desired. Some key filter settings shown below:
*Note that all date filters are blank, we are only looking for consumers with active home care enrollments. -
Click the arrow next to Preview, and select Microsoft Excel data.
Open document when prompted to view raw spreadsheet data. (Consumer PHI columns hidden in this screenshot)
Remove (or hide) unwanted columns. In this example, the remaining columns headings are shown below. Feel free to include all columns that are of interest to you. Rename the columns if desired.
Cons=Consumer /Cont=Contact- ClientID
- ConsName
- ConsCity
- PrimaryCareManager
- ContName
- ContPhArea
- ContPhone
- ContType
- ContAddr1
- ContAddr2
- ContCity
- Agency
Sort (select Data from mail toolbar/Sort) the spreadsheet by the phone number column (ContPhone)
You may wish to repeat this step, sorting & filtering & sorting again, searching for various elements of the contacts' data: name, address1, address2, and so on, to identify additional conasumers who are candidate patients for your target HCO.
With the number(s) from the HCO office(s) handy, scan the list for large collections of consumers with a matching phone number, and highlight. (Or copy and paste to another worksheet or document.)
You now have a starter match list for CLP!
Review names with HCO contact
Sort match list by Care Manager and use it to mobilize CMs to secure consent from the consumers.
Add area agencies to the report filters to support HCO’s efforts to create agreements with additional ASAPs.
Give these ASAPs a heads-up that an HCO with shared consumers is active in the Community Links Portal.